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Peel Street / Graham Street Development Scheme (H18) (Site A - One Central Place, Site B - My Central, Site C)

Peel Street and Graham Street, Sheung Wan
About 5,230 square metres
Existing GFA
20,219 square metres
Affected buildings
Affected population
About 740
Affected property interests
Affected households
About 287
Peel Street / Graham Street Development Scheme (H18)
Peel Street / Graham Street Development Scheme (H18)

Project Development Information

Total GFA About 67,214 square metres
Residential Flats About 306
Commercial GFA About 43,317 square metres
G/IC GFA About 1,260 square metres
Open Space About 2,147 square metres

Project Status

Site B completed 

Construction of Sites A & C in progress

Project Programme

Site B completed in 2019

Targeted completion of Site A by 2025 

Targeted completion of Site C by 2026 

More Information

The proposed development comprises three sites - Site A, Site B and Site C for residential, commercial, hotel and retail use with community facilities and open space provision.  There will be two residential blocks in Sites A and B, a hotel and an office building in Site C.  Provisions for retail activities will be accommodated within the podium on all three sites, in particular reservation of floor space for selling fresh food at Site B to create synergy with the current street market.  A strong open space spine accentuated with piazzas and courtyard spaces is also proposed across the centre of the development to connect the three sites and to create a lush green setting for the development.  The proposed development also includes the provision of a multi-purpose activity hall at Site A which not only satisfies public demand for increased community facilities in the area, but an indoor venue of considerable size for holding large scale activities by local organizations.

A caring and sustainable approach has been adopted in the planning process and the design of the development.  In particular, due consideration has been given to the affected residents/operators, and the local community at large in the planning and design process with an aim to improving the physical living/working environment whilst offering opportunities to retain the historical/cultural characteristics as well as social network of the district, including the reservation of floor space for appropriate social enterprises with an objective of improving the social network and also promoting social capital in the area.  Apart from the design and planning of the overall development, interim measures such as phased redevelopment for temporal re-site of the current market stakeholders at Site B to Sites A & C, provisioning of electric meter for hawkers and market vibrancy promotion were also carried out to enhance the vibrancy of street markets.  Through the above initiatives, the living and built environment will be improved to facilitate a regeneration of the vibrancy of the neighbourhood as well as preserving the identity of the place.
