Investor Relations
Urban Renewal Authority is a statutory body established by the Government under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO) in May 2001. Pursuant to the URAO, the purposes of the Authority are to:
• Replace the Land Development Corporation and improve the standard of housing and the built environment of Hong Kong by undertaking, encouraging, promoting, and facilitating urban renewal;
• Improve the standard of housing and built environment of Hong Kong and the layout of built-up areas by replacing old and dilapidated areas with new and properly planned developments with adequate transport and other infrastructure and community facilities;
• Achieve better utilization of land in the dilapidated areas of Hong Kong and to make land available to meet various development needs;
• Prevent the decay of the built environment of Hong Kong by promoting the maintenance and improvement of the structural soundness, external finishes, fire safety, physical appearance, and condition of buildings in Hong Kong;
• Preserve buildings, sites, and structures of historical, cultural, or architectural interest; and
• Engage in other activities and perform other duties, as the Chief Executive may, after consultation with the Issuer, permit or assign to it.
The Authority seeks to create a high-quality and vibrant urban environment in Hong Kong; and works closely with both governmental and non-governmental partners to achieve the above aims.