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Human Resources and Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference

  • To review and endorse for Board's approval the guiding principles for the remuneration arrangements for the senior executives and general staff of the Authority, with reference to practices in the private sector and relevant statutory bodies. Remuneration arrangements shall include:
    • Remuneration policies (level and mix); and
    • Determination of adjustments in salary and variable pay;
  • To review and endorse for Board's approval ways and means to enhance organization effectiveness;
  • To assess the human resources management needs of the URA under the prevailing corporate environment; and
  • In the light of the above assessment, to review and endorse for Board's approval necessary policy measures to meet any identified gaps and challenges. 


Chairperson Mr Chow Chung-kong, GBM, GBS, JP
Members Mr William Chan Fu-keung, BBS
The Honourable Kwok Wai-keung, BBS, JP
Ir The Honourable Michael Lee Chun-keung, JP    
Ms Elaine Lo Yuen-man, MH     
Professor Tang Bo-sin, MH
Ms Yvonne Yeung Kin-ha
Ir Wai Chi Sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng