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Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund

The Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund

The Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund ("PRF") aims to provide financial assistance to the direct stakeholders who are in need of urgent relief as a result of fire, flooding, landslide, typhoon, other natural disasters or due to mishaps at the common areas/parts in a residential or composite building within the commenced redevelopment project sites under the Urban Renewal Authority ("URA").  The URA reserves the right not to release the relevant funding to the applicant if deemed necessary and appropriate, and the decision of the URA shall be final.

Assessment Criteria

  • Eligible applications shall come from private residential or composite buildings within the URA's commenced redevelopment project sites and at least one property interest in the concerned building(s) has been acquired by the URA.
  • The urgent repair/rectification works stated in the application shall be triggered by natural disasters or mishaps as mentioned above.
  • Unless with special consideration, the place where the urgent repair/rectification works is required shall be the applying building's common areas/parts as specified in Schedule 1 of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344) or as defined in the Deed of Mutual Covenant (where applicable).
  • Applications must be submitted to the URA within two weeks after the applicant is made aware of PRF. In the case of urgency, an initial verbal application will be accepted after verification by the URA.  A subsequent formal application in writing will have to be submitted within two weeks of the verbal application for final consideration and approval by the URA.

Membership list of the Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund Panel

A PRF Panel has been formed under the URA Board which comprises the Managing Director and two Non-Executive Directors (non-official) of the URA as below:

  • Managing Director - Ir WAI Chi-sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng
  • Non-Executive Director - Ms Ivy Chua Suk-lin
  • Non-Executive Director - Mr Andy Ho Wing-cheong


 Enquiries: 2588 2333 or