Social Impact Assessment
The URA will carry out social impact assessment studies as follows-
- a Stage 1 social impact assessment or to update any earlier social impact assessment commissioned by DURF before the publication of any proposed redevelopment project in the Government Gazette; and
- a Stage 2 social impact assessment including proposed mitigation measures after the proposed project has been published in the Government Gazette.
The Stage 1 social impact assessment report will be available for public information on the day of publication of the proposed redevelopment project in the Government Gazette.
The Stage 2 social impact assessment report, which relies on information collected as part of the freezing survey to be conducted immediately after publication of the proposed redevelopment project in the Government Gazette, will be available for public information on a date specified in the Government Gazette.
The URA will submit reports of both the Stage 1 and Stage 2 social impact assessments to the Secretary for Development when it submits a development project under section 24 of the URAO, or to the Town Planning Board (TPB) when it submits a development scheme under section 25 of the URAO.
Copies of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 social impact assessment reports can be viewed at the headquarters of the URA. For such reports submitted to the TPB, they can also be viewed at the Planning Enquiry Counter of the Planning Department, 17/F North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
According to the Urban Renewal Strategy promulgated on 24 February 2011, " a new advisory platform, DURF will be set up to strengthen urban renewal planning at the district level. DURF will advise the Government on district-based urban renewal initiatives from a holistic and integrated perspective, including advice on regeneration and redevelopment areas, preservation targets, and implementation models."
The DURF will also conduct early social impact assessments before redevelopment is recommended as the preferred option. The URA will take into consideration the views of DURF when determining the priority of individual redevelopment projects to be implemented.