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Tonkin Street/ Fuk Wing Street Development Project (SSP-015)

Nos. 24 - 38 Tonkin Street (even numbers) and Nos. 240, 240A, 242 - 244 Fuk Wing Street (even numbers), Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
About 1,268 square meters
Affected buildings
13 street numbers of buildings
Affected population
About 232
Affected property interests
About 81
Affected households
About 118
Tonkin Street/ Fuk Wing Street Development Project
Tonkin Street/ Fuk Wing Street Development Project

Project Development Information

Total GFA About 9,670 square meters
Residential Flats About 175
Commercial GFA About 1,070 square meters

Project Status

The project was commenced on 8 March 2013.

The URA received objection and comments to the project during the 2-month publication period (from March 8, 2013 to May 8, 2013).  SDEV has considered the project and authorised the URA to proceed with the project on November 13, 2013.

Appeal Board received appeal applications after the gazettal of SDEV decision.  The decision of the Appeal Board was published in the gazette on 11 July 2014.  The Appeal Board confirmed the decision of SDEV to authorize URA to proceed with the project.

Project Programme

Project commenced in March 2013.

Construction works in progress.

Targeted completion by 2024.

Redevelopment Proposal

The URA's initial proposal is to redevelop the project to provide about 175 small to medium sized residential units with flat sizes of around 35 square metres to 65 square metres and retail podium at the lower floors, tentatively scheduled for completion by 2023/2024.
