A new round of Graham Market Promotion commenced to tie in with the completion of new Market Block
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) kicked off a new round of promotional activity to enhance the vibrancy of the Graham Market in Central, with the participation of more than 70 shops and stall operators from the century-old market including those who have recently moved into the newly-built Market Block of the URA's Peel Street/Graham Street project.
The promotional activity, now in its fourth round, is one of the many initiatives undertaken by the URA to enhance the vibrancy of the Graham Market. The URA has been joining hands with various stakeholders including shops and street operators from the Graham Market to enliven this unique market with local character.
A ceremony took place today to mark the commencement of the three-week promotional activities and the official opening of the Market Block. The ceremony was officiated by the Chairman of Central & Western District Council, Mr Yip Wing-shing; the URA Board Member and Chairman of the URA Central and Western District Advisory Committee, Mr Edward Chow Kwong-fai; District Officer (Central and Western), Mrs Susanne Wong Ho Wing-sze; Managing Director of the URA, Ir Wai Chi-sing; and the representative of Graham Market, Mr Hui Wai-kin.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Edward Chow Kwong-fai said: "The URA has devoted much efforts to enhance the vibrancy of the century-old open market, such as implementing the Peel Street/Graham Street project in phases, making a seamless arrangement for the affected fresh food operators to continue their businesses in the market until they moved into the newly-built Market Block of the project, as well as improving the business environment of the stall operators through redesigning user-friendly stalls and installing electricity meters for them. Concessionary rents for shops in the Market Block were also offered to the operators, taking into consideration the inconvenience which might arise from the construction work of the project."
Mr Chow added that the completion of the Market Block marked a milestone of the project, which comprises a total of three sites for phased implementation. To enhance the pedestrian environment, footpath along the Market Block has been widened while off-street lay-bys have also been provided in the project area to cater for loading and unloading of market operators. He hopes that works for the two construction sites of the project in the vicinity of the Market Block can be completed as soon as possible so that the three sites of the project can be linked up through a "green corridor" to improve further the walkability of the area, thereby enhancing the sustainability of the street market.
Upon completion, the project will also provide a multi-purpose activity hall with a floor space of about 1,260 square meters, which will accommodate about 450 people, as well as a public open space of 2,000 square metres for use and enjoyment of the public.
This year's promotion activity was launched under the theme of
"New Experiences in Traditional Market" to manifest the harmony
between the newly-built Market Block and the century-old market
which together, will bring a new image to the Graham Market.
Starting from today until 7 December, cash coupons will be
distributed to patrons for purchases at participating shops and
stalls of the campaign. Special themed gifts including
insulated bag, cutting board, kitchen timer, cleaning cloth and
tote bag will be given to customers, while stock lasts.