Press Releases
Year 2017
7 Nov 2017
Latest design of Kwun Tong Town Centre Project generally accepted by Kwun Tong District Council
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) thanked the Kwun Tong District Council for offering its valuable opinions and suggestions to the Kwun Tong Town Centre Redevelopment Project, and generally accepting the latest design proposed by the URA at the District Council meeting today. The URA submitted a planning application to the Town Planning Board (TPB) earlier, proposing to separate Development Areas 4 and 5 of the Project for development in stages, with a view to achieving the community benefits brought about by the redevelopment of Development Area 4 as early as possible. During the consultation period of TPB, the URA received views from different stakeholders and decided to advance the detailed design work of the Project and commence the related technical feasibility ass
2 Nov 2017
Invitation to Tender for Development of URA’s Reclamation Street/Shantung Street Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Thursday) invites a total of 40 property developers/consortia to tender for the development of the Reclamation Street/Shantung Street project (the Project) in Mong Kok. The URA will provide the relevant tender documents to the qualified property developers/consortia, based on which they can submit tenders for the development. All tender submissions should reach the URA Headquarters at 26/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, by 12:00 noon on 4 December 2017 (Monday). Any submission of the tender received after the specified closing time mentioned above will not be accepted. The tender review panel will later consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of a development agreement.
27 Oct 2017
URA provides over 2,600 square metres of community space in Central for public enjoyment
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announces the opening of a new community space on the ground floor of The Center for public enjoyment and community network purposes. Following a major facelift and retrofitting, the venue which is designated for Government, Institution and Community uses, is now re-named as “H6 CONET”. It also incorporates the URA’s Urban Renewal Exploration Centre (UREC), providing a public platform for diversified information and interactive experience for better understanding of URA’s urban renewal works. The Opening Ceremony today is officiated by the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong Wai-lun; Chairman of the URA, Mr Victor So Hing-woh; Chairman of the Central & Western District Council, Mr Yip Wing-shing; URA Board Member and Chairman
24 Oct 2017
A consortium of Wing Tai Properties Limited and CSI Properties Limited wins development contract of URA’s Peel Street/Graham Street Project (Site C)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced that a consortium, Southwater Hong Kong Limited, consisting of Wing Tai Properties Limited and CSI Properties Limited, has won the contract for the development of Site C of the Peel Street/Graham Street project (the Project). The URA earlier invited a number of qualified property developers/consortia to submit tenders for the Project following an Expression of Interest exercise. The URA received a total of nine tenders when the submission of tender closed on 9 October 2017. After careful deliberation, the URA Board considered that the tender offer made by the consortium of Wing Tai Properties Limited and CSI Properties Limited has met the tender requirements of Site C of the Project and thus decided to award the developme
20 Oct 2017
URA launches Info Truck to promote building rehabilitation and Smart Tender Concession Scheme
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) launched an Info Truck which will tour around Hong Kong in the coming month with an aim to enhance owners' awareness on building rehabilitation, while encouraging them to join the Smart Tender to improve the condition of their buildings. To encourage owners to carry out timely repair and maintenance for their buildings, the URA has adopted a multi-pronged approach by providing various technical and financial support to buildings owners, including the Smart Tender Building Rehabilitation Facilitating Services (Smart Tender) which was introduced in May 2016. Earlier this month, the URA has launched a concession scheme for Smart Tender in response to the Government's 2017-18 Budget initiative to earmark $300 million to allow property owner
11 Oct 2017
URA supports Government’s initiatives to enhance building safety and fire safety standards
With respect to the announcement made by the Chief Executive in the 2017 Policy Address today (Wednesday) on the Operation Building Bright 2.0 and the subsidy scheme for fire safety works for aged buildings, a spokesman for the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) made the following response: "The URA fully supports the Government's initiatives to improve the building condition as well as fire safety standards for compliance with the requirements under the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance for aged buildings. The URA is looking forward to playing a role in these initiatives, thus assisting building owners to improve their living condition. The URA will actively explore and work out the implementation framework with the Government departments for submission to the URA Board for deliberati
9 Oct 2017
9 tenders received for development of URA’s Peel Street/Graham Street Project (Site C)
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of nine tenders for Site C of the Peel Street/Graham Street project (the Project) when the invitation for submission of tender closed today (Monday). A tender review panel (TRP) under the URA Board will consider the tenders received and make recommendation to the URA Board for its decision on the award of tender for Site C of the Project. The URA earlier invited interested developers/consortia to submit Expressions of Interest for the tender of Site C of the Project. After careful consideration of the Expressions of Interest received, the TRP invited 27 property developers/consortia to submit tender. The Project is divided into three sites (Sites A, B and C) and is being implemented in phases. The site being put up for develo
3 Oct 2017
URA launches concession scheme for Smart Tender
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) launched a concession scheme for the "Smart Tender" Building Rehabilitation Facilitating Services (Smart Tender) in response to the Government's 2017-18 Budget initiative to earmark $300 million to allow property owners to join Smart Tender at a concessionary rate. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed today between the Government and URA which stipulated the establishment of a concession fund and the implementation framework of the concession scheme for Smart Tender. The URA introduced the Smart Tender in May 2016 to provide professional and technical assistance to property owners of multi-owned private residential or composite buildings with more than three storeys, with an aim to encourage more owners to carry out build
27 Sep 2017
Amendments to the Master Layout Plan of URA’s Kwun Tong Town Centre Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) submitted a planning application to the Town Planning Board (TPB) in June 2017 for revising the Master Layout Plan of the Kwun Tong Town Centre Project, in view of a plan to separate Development Areas 4 and 5 of for development in different stages, thus enhancing the accessibility by providing connection between the MTR station and the vicinity of the redevelopment project, upon the completion of Development Area 4. During the consultation period of the TPB, the URA received views on the detailed design of the project from the District Council and the community, covering among others, detailed design of the multi-purpose centre cum commercial tower, as well as detailed landscape design of the Yue Man Square garden. During the period, the URA has also
27 Sep 2017
41 Expressions of Interest received for URA’s Reclamation Street/Shantung Street Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 41 Expressions of Interest for the development of the Reclamation Street/Shantung Street project in Mong Kok when the invitation for submission closed today (Wednesday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified developers/consortia, taking into consideration their experience and financial capability to undertake the development in accordance with the requirements and criteria set by the URA. The URA will soon invite the qualified developers/consortia to submit tenders for the development based on the principal tender terms approved by the URA Board earlier. The project site covers an area of about 1,389 square metres. Upon completion, it is planned to provide about 187 residential units with a tot