Environmental Commitment
Our aim:
To create an environmentally-sustainable, high quality and vibrant urban environment providing better homes in Hong Kong .
We are committed to:
- meeting all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements.
- reducing consumption of resources (materials, fuel and energy) by efficiency, reuse, recovery or recycling where feasible and consequently reduce waste.
- adopting technologies and using raw materials which minimize pollution, energy use and waste where applicable.
- planning, designing and implementing projects in such a way as to minimise the adverse environmental effects of new developments in construction, operation and demolition.
- providing and promoting environmental education and training.
- working with our partners (affected communities, tenants, owners, Government, development and financial institutions, professionals and academics) to find acceptable solutions which minimise our impact on the environment and prevent pollution.
- communicating our environmental objectives, efforts and achievements to the public.
- adopting "green" purchasing where appropriate and expecting high environmental standards from suppliers, joint venture partners and contractors who work with or for us.