Press Releases
Year 2006
31 Mar 2006
Housing Society and Urban Renewal Authority Jointly Launch Revitalization/Preservation Project in Wan Chai
The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) today (31 March) announced the launch of a revitalization cum preservation project in conjunction with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in Wan Chai Stone Nullah Lane, Hing Wan Street and King Sing Street at the cost of about $100 million. Besides retaining some of the buildings with historic value and special architectural design, HKHS also intends to develop the area along the theme of tea and medicine in line with its historical background of tea trade and medical services. The project area covers 9 tenement blocks, of which 72-74A Stone Nullah Lane (Blue House) and 2-8 Hing Wan Street were built in the 1920's, whilst 8 King Sing Street in the 1950's. HKHS and URA will carry out stabilization and rehabilitation works for the Blue House and the b
17 Mar 2006
URA rehabilitation schemes take a booster
Four more financial institutions have joined 13 banks currently providing mortgage loan services to owners of rehabilitated buildings under the Urban Renewal Authority's (URA) voluntary rehabilitation schemes. The mortgage loan services for rehabilitated buildings are organised by the URA in cooperation with the banking industry to encourage owners of old residential buildings to improve their homes through rehabilitation work and thus enhance the value of their properties. Mr Stephen Lam, District Development Director of the URA announced today (Friday) that four more financial institutions, namely Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, GE Money, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited have decided to join the services. The 13 banks that have a
28 Feb 2006
URA announces appointments to District Advisory Committees
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Tuesday) announced new appointments to its four existing District Advisory Committees that reflect views and aspirations of the local community and provide advice on urban renewal concerns at the district level. The appointments altogether comprise about 60 people from different walks of life ranging from flat owners, tenants, district leaders and social workers to professionals, academics and businessmen. The committees which were first set up in January 2002 cover Wan Chai, Central and Western, Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po districts where the URA has commenced most of its urban renewal projects. The committees are chaired by URA Board members, Miss Maria Tam, Mr. Barry Cheung, Mrs. Peggy Lam and Professor Cecilia Chan respectively so as to
17 Feb 2006
Redevelopment helps 680 families and boosts local jade market
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced three development projects at a total cost of $2.53 billion that aim to improve the living conditions of about 680 families and create a "jade walk" to enrich the local character of Sham Shui Po simultaneously. The projects are located in Hai Tan Street and Tung Chau Street covering three adjoining sites. The URA will submit planning application to the Town Planning Board to implement them as one single development scheme to achieve a comprehensive development. Covering a total area of about 80,000 square feet, this development scheme will be the largest of all the redevelopment projects in Sham Shui Po commenced by the URA or jointly with the Hong Kong Housing Society since 2002. A team of about 130 URA officers conducted a
21 Jan 2006
100th rehabilitation building completion ceremony officiated by SHPL
市區重建局(市建局)主席鄭維新今日(星期六)表示,若果政府提出的強制驗樓計劃建議得以落實,市建局一定會增撥資源,配合全新的局面。 市建局今日在灣仔聯發街洋紫荊園舉行儀式,慶祝市建局自願樓宇復修計劃下,第一百幢樓宇-同勝大廈-完成復修工程。房屋及規劃地政局局長孫明揚在鄭維新、市建局灣仔分區諮詢委員會主席譚惠珠及行政總監林中麟陪同下,主持儀式。 孫明揚局長致辭時表示,「相信參與過市建局復修計劃的業主都親身體會到妥善保養樓宇的好處,包括改善居住環境、提升物業價值和減低樓宇保險費用等。」 他說:「政府自去年十月展開『強制驗樓公眾諮詢』以來,積極透過不同渠道,聽取市民大眾的意見。諮詢文件內建議推行的強制驗樓計劃,正正希望在保障公眾安全之餘,可為樓宇業主帶來同樣的好處。」 鄭維新主席說,強制驗樓計劃是政府一項重要的建議,是根本解決香港日益嚴重的樓宇老化問題,最必要而又正確的起步點,與市建局的自願復修計劃亦是相輔相成。 他續表示:「如果有了強制性驗樓,就會促成一個良好的樓宇保養管理框架和制度。市建局可以在這個新框架之下,提供協助,令業主實際進行維修時,做得更好和更順暢。」為了社區和業主本身的利益著想,市建局希望社會大眾可以積極回應政府的建議。 市建局在兩年多之前,開始推行自願樓宇復修計劃,其中包括物料資助計劃和貸款計劃。至今已經有一百幢樓宇完成復修 工程,另有五十六幢大廈的工程正在積極進行中;受惠的住宅單位總數,達到一萬三千多個,是過去四年市建局所有重建項目的三倍多,顯示了樓宇復修在整個市區 更新策略之中的重要位置。 市建局在灣仔區的樓宇復修工作,獲得業主的大力支持。以樓宇復修的參與程度來說,在九大更新目標區之中,灣仔區是全港之冠。灣仔區已經有三十幢樓宇,在市建局的協助下完成復修工程。另有十一幢大廈在籌備和施工中。 在過去兩年,市建局根據實際經驗,不斷
14 Jan 2006
Locals join planning and design of Kwun Tong Town Centre redevelopment
Over 100 participants from the Kwun Tong community and other sectors today (Saturday) articulated their aspirations and innovations in a workshop on the future design of the Kwun Tong Town Centre, the largest ever single redevelopment project undertaken by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). The participants' task was facilitated by the use of a 3-D urban design computer software which is the first time that such a professional software is used for a community workshop of its kind in Hong Kong. A team of architecture undergraduates was on hand to assist the participants in generating instantly various planning scenarios and layouts according to their views and suggestions. Results of the workshop will be given to three architecture consultant firms selected by the URA to produce comprehe
25 Dec 2005
NGOs assist in promoting building rehabilitation (Chinese only)
市區重建局(市建局)鼓勵業主自願進行樓宇復修工程,工作進度理想,至今已經有一百四十多幢樓宇參與計劃,令超過一萬二千戶家庭受惠,而且數目還在不斷增加。 市建局高級經理鄧堃霖說:「市建局在兩年前以試驗形式推出樓宇復修計劃時,外間人士初期大都抱懷疑態度,認為市建局提供百分之十的物料資助只是『出豉油』,難以鼓勵業主『出雞』。」 市建局憑著實踐經驗,不斷改良計劃的細節,以及推出配套措施,例如鼓勵銀行為復修樓宇提供優惠的按揭貸款計劃,以及資助復修樓宇購買第三者保險等,令到更多舊樓業主動參與復修工程。現時的資助額上限,亦已增加至工程總開支的百分之二十,或每戶三千元。 「市建局提供的物料資助對業主固然重要,不過同樣重要的,是市建局派出本身的專業人士,為業主提供意見,調和業主之間的爭議。」鄧堃霖說。 為了鼓勵更多樓宇參與市建局的樓宇復修計劃,市建局在去年開始委託地區的非政府團體,在五大服務區內(大角咀/ 旺角、深水埗、油麻地、灣仔及中西區)協助推廣樓宇復修文化。透過家訪、街頭展覽、簡布會等機會,至今已接觸逾四千人次。成功協助十七幢大廈成立業主立案法團,以及轉介十三幢大廈參與復修計劃。 旺角陳慶社會服務中心是其中一家協助市建局,推廣樓宇復修工作的社會服務機構。大角咀家慶樓一期不久前便因為陳慶中心的轉介,參與了市建局的復修計劃。 家慶樓樓齡逾四十年,但直至去年才正式成立業主立案法團。家慶樓一期業主立案法團委員黃鑑輝表示,大廈以前只有互助委員會。數年前大廈業主已經收到屋宇署的維修令,但無奈乏人統籌,以致遲遲未能展開維修工程。 「此外,大廈內六成的業主都是年老長者,要籌措一筆維修經費,並非易事。加上無人願意主動牽頭,結果一拖再拖。」他說。 直至去年,陳慶中心的社工譚建元接觸大廈業主,推介市建局的樓宇復修資助計劃,並游說他們成立業主立案法團。 黃先生說:「家慶樓
16 Dec 2005
URA starts $260m redevelopment project in Tai Kok Tsui
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced the implementation of a $260 million redevelopment project at Fuk Tsun Street / Pine Street, Tai Kok Tsui, which is expected to improve the living conditions of some 300 residents and develop the site into a small "oasis" with green architecture. The old district of Tai Kok Tsui is home already to four URA redevelopment projects since early 2002 as well as 13 rehabilitation projects since late 2003. They will together bring general improvements to about 3,150 households. URA's District Development Director, Mr. Joseph Lee, told a press conference today (Friday) that upon statutory approval for the project, the URA would make acquisition offers for a total of 80 property interests at the project site and also provide compensat
2 Dec 2005
URA starts $357m redevelopment project in Sai Ying Pun
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will submit an application to the Town Planning Board (TPB) shortly for the implementation of a $357 million development scheme at Yu Lok Lane/Centre Street, Sai Ying Pun to turn a seriously dilapidated area into a historic theme garden and a residential development. The scheme will also help improve the living conditions of about 80 households, many of whom have long urged the URA to redevelop the area. In accordance with section 23 of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance, a URA notice announcing the commencement of planning for the project is published in the Gazette today. Under section 25 of the same ordinance, the URA will submit a development scheme to the TPB for consideration within a few days. Mr. Joseph Lee, URA's District Development D
5 Nov 2005
Community Workshop on Wan Chai Master Thinking (Chinese Only)
近七十位地區人士、專家和學者等今日(星期六)出席社區工作坊,一同為灣仔舊區的總綱構想提出創新的構思和願景。 社區工作坊由市建局的灣仔分區諮詢委員會主辦。市建局主席鄭維新致辭時表示,市建局在二零零二年開始推行四大業務策略(4R),亦即重建發展、樓宇復修、舊區活化及文物保育。市建局這方面的政策和運作模式,仍在不斷改良和進行探索,努力回應社會各方面的訴求。 市 建局在灣仔區進行中的重建項目共有四項,涉及的土地面積約共一萬八千平方米。此外,區內已有三十幢樓宇參加了市建局的樓宇復修計劃,比率為全港九大目標區 之冠。同時,市建局亦決定保育區內十四幢具有建築學價值的唐樓。故此,市建局希望綜合運用四大業務策略,為灣仔舊區的整體發展訂定總綱構想。 鄭 維新表示,灣仔總綱構想的過程共分三個階段,由下而上。第一階段在去年開始,透過香港大學進行社區訴求調查,訪問了近千名居民,並且進行聚焦小組訪問。第 二階段則舉行了十二次大型的諮詢會,向區內一百個大小團體搜集意見,出席人數近二千三百人,收回的意見書約一千七百份。這些意見經整理後,交由今日的工作 坊進行深入研討。 第三階段會是將工作坊的結論和建議,交給規劃顧問檢討和修訂原來的設計構思,再送交灣仔分區諮詢委員會、灣仔區議會,以及其他有關機構和政府部門討論。最後由市建局董事會定案。 工作坊由市建局灣仔分區諮詢委員會主席譚惠珠女士主持,並由香港大學城市規劃及環境管理研究中心派出十位專業人士,協助整理和匯報分組討論的情況。