Press Releases
Year 2009
7 Dec 2009
Result of Expression of Interest for Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street Project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) received a total of 14 Expressions of Interest in the joint venture development project at Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street project in Sham Shui Po on the closing date today (Monday). A tender review panel under the URA Board will shortlist the qualified parties and invite them to submit a tender for the joint venture development project. It is expected that the tender exercise will take place in the near future. The project comprises two adjacent sites at Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street of about 36,000 square feet. The URA's proposal is to redevelop the sites to provide about 390 residential units, including some 60 flats with elderly-friendly facilities. Besides, some 4,100 square feet of floor area for No
30 Nov 2009
Invitation for Expression of Interest Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street project
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) tomorrow (Tuesday) will invite interested parties to submit Expressions of Interest for the joint development of the Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street project (Project) in Sham Shui Po. The project comprises two adjacent sites at Lai Chi Kok Road / Kweilin Street and Yee Kuk Street of about 36,000 square feet. The URA's proposal is to redevelop the sites to provide about 390 residential units, including some 60 flats with elderly-friendly facilities. Besides, some 4,100 square feet of floor area for Non-Government Organisations specialising preferably in services for senior citizens, 50,000 square feet of commercial floor area and 6,200 square feet of public open space will also be provided in the project. Parties interested in
3 Nov 2009
Enhanced relocation assistance for domestic tenants in hardship
市區重建局(市建局)今日(星期二)宣布,決定加強本局自2006年起為住宅租客提供的搬遷補助金措施,以協助更多有需要遷出重建區及有經濟困難的租客。 市建局發言人表示:「是次優化援助措施的目標,主要是協助在市建局凍結人口調查中已登記,但在獲得行政長官會同行政會議或發展局局長批准推行項目和收購有關單位前,已經遷離受影響單位的住宅租戶。」 他解釋,由於相關重建項目正在規劃之中,本局尚未取得有關的批准進行重建,因此無法展開物業收購及安置居民的工作,亦沒有法定身份,介入業主與租客之間的租約事宜。 不過,市建局了解到遷出的租客在另覓居所時會遇到經濟上的困難,故特別作出靈活處理,希望透過增加搬遷補助金,適當地降低審批門檻,以及加快處理撥款程序,協助有真正經濟困難的租客,渡過難關。 優化後的措施包括: 增加搬遷補助金,為有困難的租客提供協助:現時很多受重建項目影響的租客均居住於面積狹小及樓宇狀況極差的單位內。在加強措施下,有困難的租客可以獲取約相等於按其住戶人口可獲編配的市區公共房屋單位面積為計算基礎,金額等同面積相約的私人樓宇6個月平均市值租金(現為3個月平均市值租金)。這個金額估計一般約為有關租戶的10個月或以上的月租。當社區服務隊建議及市建局批准其個案,有困難的租客在遷出有關單位後,就可以立即取得搬遷補助金。 放寬審批的門檻:根據優化的措施,租客將較容易符合獲取搬遷補助金的資格。例如放寬居港年期的要求。 防止濫用:如有關租客已是公屋住戶、已購置居屋或已接受業主賠償等,他們將不符合接受搬遷補助金的資格。為防止補助金政策被濫用,市建局會要求相關的租客提供證明。 一如以住,市區重建社區服務隊同時會為有困難的租客提供其他服務,例如協助有住屋需要的租戶申請社會福利署體恤安置,解決他們長遠的住屋問題。 市建局發言人重申,如物業業主在凍結人口調查後要
19 Oct 2009
Sino Land Company Limited wins URA’s Development Project at Yuet Wah Street Site, Kwun Tong
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) announced that a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited, Central Wisdom Limited has won the joint development contract for the Yuet Wah Street Site in Kwun Tong in a public tender exercise. The site is located at the junction of Yuet Wah Street and Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong covering an area of about 4,326 square metres. Upon completion, it is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 27,830 square metres for residential and Government, Institution and Community uses. Sino Land Company Limited is one of the eight tender submissions received for the joint development project. The URA Board after careful consideration of all the tender submissions agreed that the offer made by Sino Land Company Limited met all
19 Oct 2009
URA to earmark $500 million for 'Central Oasis'
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Monday) announced its preliminary conservation and revitalisation plans for the Central Market. Total cost for the rejuvenated Central Oasis is now estimated to be in the region of $500 million which will be incurred to renovate and refurbish the entire historic building as well as provide greenery, a public rest and leisure area amidst the hustle and bustle of Central. An advisory committee with broad representation will be set up to provide views and input to the URA. This initiative is a prompt response to the announcement by the Chief Executive in his Policy Address of 14 October that the URA would be tasked to conserve the Central Market, which forms part of a series of innovative projects to reinvigorate the legend of Central. Co-hosting
14 Oct 2009
URA Response statement to the Policy Address
The Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority, Mr Barry Cheung, today made the following remarks in response to the Policy Address of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR: "The URA welcomes the policy directives on urban revitalisation announced by the Chief Executive in his Policy Address today. The initiatives will reinforce our continuing efforts to meet the changing aspirations of the community. We will now draw up detailed implementation plans for our board's approval. " The URA is especially honoured to have been given the important responsibility of revitalising the historic Central Market. A high proportion of the revitalised market will be designated as green, rest and leisure areas, turning it into a "Central Oasis" providing nearby office workers and the general public with a va
9 Oct 2009
Tender closes for development of Yuet Wah Street Site, Kwun Tong
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (Friday) announced that a total of eight tender offers have been received for the joint venture development of the Yuet Wah Street Site in Kwun Tong. A tender review panel will consider the tenders and make recommendation to the URA Board for a decision in due course. Fifteen submissions were received by the Authority in an expression of interest exercise for the project conducted earlier; 14 of them were invited to submit a tender for the project. The site is located at the junction of Hip Wo Street and Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong covering an area of about 4,326 square metres. Upon completion, it is expected to deliver a maximum gross floor area of about 27,830 square metres for residential and Government, Institution and Community uses. (E
23 Sep 2009
Property acquisition for Anchor Street / Fuk Tsun Street Project in Tai Kok Tsui to start soon
The Land, Rehousing & Compensation Committee of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has resolved today (Wednesday) that eligible owner-occupiers of domestic properties affected by the Anchor Street / Fuk Tsun Street Project would be offered $6,607 per square foot of saleable floor area. The URA will issue offer letters to owners of 74 property interests by the end of this month. The acquisition offers for domestic properties are based on the Government's Home Purchase Allowance (HPA) policy in which HPA is the difference between the market value of the acquired property and that of a notional seven-year-old flat of similar size in a similar locality. In addition to the market value of the acquired properties, eligible owner-occupiers will receive the full HPA amount whereas eligible owner
31 Aug 2009
URA welcomes re-appointment of Executive Director
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Board today (Monday) welcomed the re-appointment of Ms Iris Tam Siu-ying as an Executive Director of the URA for another term of three years, effective from 1 September 2009. "As one of the Executive Directors of the URA, Ms Tam's vast knowledge and expertise in urban regeneration, in particular in the areas of town planning and sustainable development, are invaluable for advancing the Authority's missions," said the URA Chairman, Mr Barry Cheung. "We are now at a time when social expectations for urban renewal are rising and the Urban Renewal Strategy is under review seeking a revised direction, Ms Tam's solid experience gained in the field over last three years is definitely an asset to the URA to take forward the urban renewal programme," said Mr Che
31 Aug 2009
URA initiates area-based revitalisation plan for Mong Kok
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced today that it proposed to implement a major revitalisation plan at a cost close to $100 million to uphold and enhance the local characters of a number of themed streets in Mong Kok. Input and support from the Yau Tsim Mong District Council and the local community will be sought to finalise the plan. The URA has been invited by the Government to implement some improvement projects under the "Area Improvement Plan for the Shopping Areas of Mong Kok", which was studied by the Planning Department between February 2006 and May 2009. Public consultation was also conducted and the public is generally supportive of the proposal. On the basis of the Government's area improvement plan, the URA has taken a step further and expanded the scope to an ar