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Building Drainage System Repair Subsidy Scheme Ends after 31 May 2024

The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) today (24 May 2024) announced that the Building Drainage System Repair Subsidy Scheme (the Scheme), launched in 2021 by the Government in partnership with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), will end after 31 May 2024.

To address public concerns regarding issues caused by defective drains during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government announced a funding of HK$1 billion in the 2021-2022 Budget to launch the Scheme.  It provides technical and financial support for owners of domestic units of private residential or composite buildings aged 40 years or above to carry out repair and improvement works on the drainage pipes in the common areas of their buildings, thereby improving the building conditions and environmental hygiene. 

Considering that the pandemic is over and that most applicants of the Scheme have concurrently applied for “Operation Building Bright 2.0” (OBB 2.0), which also covers the maintenance works for common drainage systems, the Government and the URA decided to end the Scheme.    

Since its commencement on 1 May 2021, the Scheme has received around 4,500 eligible applications from buildings where owners organised their drainage repair works (Category 1) or selected by the Buildings Department (BD) based on risk assessment to carry out the works in default of the owners (Category 2).  A Steering Committee, consisting of the Development Bureau, URA and BD, has been set up to prioritise eligible cases using a risk-based approach under an established mechanism.  Cases under Category 1 are processed by the URA, while those under Category 2 are undertaken by the BD. 

At present, the allocated funding for the prioritised cases is nearing HK$1 billion.  When the Government funding for the Scheme is fully disbursed, eligible applicants who have applied for OBB 2.0 may receive subsidies for common drains repair works through OBB 2.0.  Additionally, the “Common Area Repair Works Subsidy” and the “Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Needy Owners” which are administrated by the URA, along with the BD’s “Building Safety Loan Scheme”, also provide financial assistance to needy building owners for drainage repair works.