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URA Board

Managing Director

Ir Wai Chi Sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng

Ir Wai Chi Sing has been appointed the Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority since 15 June 2016.  By virtue of holding that office, he is also the Deputy Chairman of the Board.  He has also been appointed a Director of the Board of Urban Renewal Fund since 13 July 2016 and the Chairman of the Independent Monitoring Panel of the MTR Corporation Limited since 23 December 2022 to oversee the comprehensive review on asset management and maintenance regime.  

Ir Wai is an engineer by profession. He joined the Hong Kong Government in August 1980, and has since served in the Transport Department, the Highways Department, and the former Environment, Transport and Works Bureau.  He was the Director of Highways from November 2006 to June 2010 and was Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) from June 2010 to April 2015 before retirement.

Ir Wai holds a master's degree in transportation engineering from Purdue University in the United States.  He has professional experience in civil, structural and geotechnical engineering and is a fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. In recognition of his professional achievements and contributions, he was awarded the Gold Medal 2023 by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Honorary Fellow by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors in 2023 and the Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 by the Royal Instition of Chartered Surveyors.

Term of Office: 15/6/2016 - 14/6/2025

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