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Awards and Recognitions

Year and Award

Awarded Unit(s)


Award Category


Winner Award - Research Team of the Year
RICS Awards 2021 Hong Kong

Awarded Unit(s)


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction

Urban Renewal Information System (URIS) is a state-of-the-art project of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) applying Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to the urban renewal process. Within URIS environment, applications are designed for the business needs. URIS facilitates teamwork at divisional and corporate levels. With the use of GIS applications, calculation assumptions are more transparent and easy to comprehend. URIS proves the possibility of making a win-win-win situation where effective & efficient inter-divisional communication, trustworthy assessment and advanced spatial technology can be synergized for the greater good. URA team envisions that further advancement of URIS continues to empower surveyors, propelling new momentum and opportunities for a smarter city.


Grand Award
Sales & Leasing Category
Best Development and Conservation Award 2021

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction

Carrying the mission of bringing new life into the historic buildings, surveyors of URA are determined to showcase a sustainable leasing project by incorporating conservation elements and social values into business. The legacy of 618 Shanghai Street is first introduced with illustrations of four core character defining elements including streetscape and architectural merits that make the shophouses the talk of the town. The conservation-cum-revitalisation project has given new life to the last remaining Cantonese verandah cluster in Hong Kong, allowing local residents, different generations of other districts and visitors to have their footprints and stories told at 618 Shanghai Street to which we all belong.


Merit Award
Planning Category
HKIS Best Development and Conservation Award 2021

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction


Silver Award - An Exemplar of Urban Revitalization and Planning
HKIP Awards 2021

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Institute of Planners

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction

The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) Awards aims to raise public awareness in good planning principles and practice, and to encourage pursuit of excellence amongst planners in Hong Kong and mainland China.

Central Market demonstrates a very successful case of heritage revitalisation in Hong Kong. This project is of high significance to Hong Kong, and recognises the significant contribution of the planning profession in heritage conservation and active reuse of historical buildings. It also adopts a sustainable financing and management mode that aims at transforming Central Market into a lively, attractive and sustainable heritage building.


Merit (Public Sector - Government & Citizen Services)
21th Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2022

Awarded Unit(s)


Asia Pacific ICT Alliance

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction
  • Innovation and Technology


Grand Award (Heritage)
Structural Excellence Award 2021
HKIE Awards 2021

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Award Category

  • Planning, Architecture and Construction

The Structural Excellence Award aims to promote excellence in structural engineering demonstrated through the design and construction of buildings and structures.

A Grand Award winner in the Heritage category, the Central Market Revitalisation project targets to revive the pre-war building into a vibrant retail hub at the heart of the commercial district. Comprehensive structural assessments was carried out to understand the loading capacities and condition of the heritage building. Extensive repair works using various technologies and methods was adopted to reinstate the building with minimum alternations to its structure and appearance.