Makeover of Graham Street Market
The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will adopt tactical measures
along with the implementation of the Peel Street/Graham Street
project in order to keep the nearby century-old market intact as
well as to enhance its vibrancy.
At a media briefing to announce details of these measures after
the URA Board meeting today (Monday), the Chairman of URA, Mr Barry
Cheung, said: "These measures are targeted to ensure that
business is as usual in the market during the construction of the
project and to prevent it from further shrinking as a result of
natural gentrification already taking place there."
The URA has heard the voices of the community to retain the market
when it announced the Peel Street/Graham Street project in
2007. These arrangements are mapped out in response to the
aspirations of the community which called for extra efforts to
revitalise the market because of its long history and significant
local character, he added.
Strictly speaking, the market is outside the boundary of the Peel
Street/Graham Street project. Nevertheless, the URA considers
it as a golden opportunity to improve the living environment of
residents in dilapidated buildings as well as to help saved the
market from further shrinking.
To achieve this end, the URA has mapped out a comprehensive plan
to address the needs and requirements of shops and stalls operating
in the market. Construction work will be carried out in
stages to minimize inconvenience to market stall operators and
"First, the affected shop operators will be allowed to continue
their operations until actual construction or demolition takes
place," Mr Cheung explained.
Second, safety hoardings and decorative protection will only be
erected on either side of the streets at any one time so as to
allow them to continue their businesses.
Arrangements will also be made to market-related wet provision
shops within the redevelopment area, under which they will be
temporarily re-located within the three sites of the project.
Third, upon completion of the project, priority will be given to
these shop operators to be accommodated at market rent in the
future two-storey retail shop building which is easily accessible
from all directions.
We have also reserved storage space totalling some 300 square
metres in the project for hawker stall operators who need to rent
additional space for storing their goods, Mr Cheung added.
"Though the proposed phased development will result in a longer
redevelopment period of up to 18 to 24 months with an additional
development cost of about $200 million, we have considered it
worthwhile to undertake these measures so as to save the shrinking
market and to enhance its vibrancy," said Mr. Cheung. The
original development cost for the project is estimated at $3.8
To improve traffic flow in the area, there will be no residential
carpark for private cars. Only one basement carpark will be
provided for loading and unloading activities.
The URA has been actively engaging the community and stakeholders
in planning for the project since 2005. "All along, we have
attached a great deal of importance to the preservation of
historical elements in our projects whenever possible. While the
Master Layout Plan for the project has been approved by the Town
Planning Board (TPB) in May 2007, the URA, in response to call for
extra efforts in preservation, set up a Conservation Advisory Panel
comprising local District Council members, residents and hawker
representatives, historians and experts to advise on the heritage
and hawker related issues," said Mr. Cheung.
The URA is going to hold a public forum early next month to
solicit community views on the above measures. "I sincerely call on
members of the public to come forward to make known their views and
to join hands with URA to enliven this century-old market,' said Mr