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List of Contractors and Consultants

Certain categories of consultants and construction-related contractors are maintained by the Authority on approved lists.

Generally, tenders for relevant works and services will be invited from the companies/firms on the appropriate approved list or the short-list of companies/firms pre-qualified for the special requirements of the particular project concerned. In the absence of an appropriate approved list, reference would be made to relevant lists maintained by government departments.

Companies and firms who are interested in being included in the Authority's approved lists should submit the relevant information as follows: 

1. Construction-related Contractors should refer to Repair/ Maintenance Contractors Registration Form and/or Demolition Contractors Registration Form and submit to:

Works & Contracts Division
Urban Renewal Authority
26/F COSCO Tower
183 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

2. Consultants should refer to the Consultants Registration Form and submit to:

Procurement & Project Legal Services Section
Legal Services Department
Urban Renewal Authority
26/F COSCO Tower
183 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

(For any applications received between 1 December and 31 January, the consultant will be notified by the Authority the result no later than June of the same year.  For applications received between 1 June and 31 July, the consultant will be notified of the result no later than December of the same year.

Consultant’s applications received beyond the aforesaid application period will be considered and handled by the Authority on a case-by-case basis.  Normally, such applications will be assessed in the next assessment period specified above.)

3. Assets and Property Management Services Companies should refer to the Assets and Property Management Services Registration Form and submit to:

Property and Land Division
Urban Renewal Authority
26/F COSCO Tower
183 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

For details, please refer to the following information: