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Awards and Recognitions

Year and Award

Awarded Unit(s)


Award Category


Manpower Developer 2022-25
Manpower Developer Award Scheme

Awarded Unit(s)


Employees Retraining Board

Award Category

  • Human Resources

The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) launched the “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” (the Scheme) to recognise organisations which demonstrate outstanding achievements in manpower training and development as Manpower Developers (MDs). As part of the Scheme, the effectiveness of the strategies and practices in manpower training and development of participating organisation will be reviewed and evaluated in accordance with a set of objectives and assessment criteria established by the independent Technical Consultant. Urban Renewal Authority (URA) fulfilled the criteria and acknowledged as MDs from 2018 to 2025.


Grand Award (New Building) 
The Excellent Building Award 2023

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Award Category

  • Green and Sustainability
  • Planning, Architecture and Construction


15 Years Plus Caring Organisation Logo

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Award Category

  • Corporate and Branding

Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme) aims to foster strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society. The Scheme also helps corporations and social services organisations to know and understand one another at a much deeper level. This will create more room for working together to develop cross-sector community projects that focus on the needs of the community.


Award of Excellence (Design Features-Cover Design)
Award of Excellence (Design Features-Overall Design)
29th The Communicator Awards

Awarded Unit(s)


The Communicator Awards

Award Category

  • Corporate and Branding


Campaign Award - Excellence in Wellbeing
HKMA Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2023

Awarded Unit(s)


The Hong Kong Management Association

Award Category

  • Corporate and Branding

URA has organised leisure activities for employees to promote health and wellness. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our workforce. Existing arrangements were enhanced to address their physical and mental wellbeing needs. Therefore, it is critical for URA to take further action to transform the existing leisure-oriented activities into more targeted and purpose driven wellbeing engagement initiatives. Our new wellbeing programme is designed to address these challenges and ensure that our employees have the resources and support they need to maintain their physical and mental health.


Regional Merit Certificate
ASHRAE Regional Technology Award 2023-24

Awarded Unit(s)


Region XIII of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Award Category

  • Green and Sustainability

Yue Man Square is located in the Kwun Tong district, it has undergone a transformation that incorporates smart technology facilities to enhance the indoor environmental quality and promote energy efficiency.

The integration of smart technology in Yue Man Square has brought numerous benefits. One significant advantage is the reduction in energy consumption. By implementing advanced systems for lighting, ventilation, and temperature control, the square has significantly decreased its energy usage. This not only helps to minimize its environmental impact but also leads to cost savings.

Another important aspect of the transformation is the improvement in the building's ambience and comfort for the community. Smart technology has allowed for better control and management of indoor environmental factors, such as lighting and air quality. This creates a more pleasant and user-friendly environment for visitors and occupants.