URA as Facilitator
URA as a Facilitator in Redevelopment
URA has set up a fully-owned subsidiary, the Urban Redevelopment Facilitating Services Co. Ltd. (URFS), to provide the following services:
- Facilitates interested property owners in assembling titles for joint sale in the market as another approach to urban renewal. Through URFS, the URA will provide facilitating services or consultancy services to the owners which include appointment of consultants on behalf of the owners and coordinating and monitoring the services provided by the consultants. Under the facilitation arrangement, the URA and URFS will not acquire any property interest nor offer any compensation/rehousing arrangement to the tenants involved within the application site.
- In URA’s redevelopment projects, helps identify suitable premises, as far as practicable, to enable the affected shop operators to relocate and continue their operation.
- Facilitates Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) to redevelop their under-utilised sites for multiple uses. This scheme was launched in January 2021 jointly with the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government to assist NGOs in upgrading their facilities to modern standards, while maximising the development potential of the sites owned by the NGOs. Through this Scheme, additional floor space for a range of uses (including residential, educational, social welfare, etc) can be incorporated into the redeveloped NGO’s site. Please refer to the website below for details of the scheme:- http://www.ura-facilitator.com.hk/en/details_of_service/ngo.html.